Registered users can download all the HEDY materials from the project website for free till 1 December 2028.
Flyer 1 & 2
The printable flyers can be distributed in the face to face events.
The HEDY Booklet is the first result of the Life in the AI era project.
The Booklet is an essay defining the HEDY position on life in the AI era and the rational for that position. In this work, we describe and present the results of our two-fold approach to build our rational about the challenges, opportunities and expected impact of AI on four areas: business, governance, skill & competencies, and people & lifestyle.
Presents a collection of influential audiovisual tools, showing how AI could tackle some of the world’ s most challenging societal issues, as well as the risks to be mitigated, to be used flexibly to support learning and debate activities.
The newsletter will reflect on actual developments, events in the field of AI as well as will provide an update on our progress with the Life in the AI era project.
The best resource to start a similar project like ours is to download our guides, especially design for this purpose. The HEDY guide is the last result of this project.