Barcelona, Spain – Transnational meeting

Artificial intelligence (AI) in recent days has continuous development and applications in all fields, the AI helps human beings to find the application to make easier life and place a long-lasting impact on the social lifestyle and well-being of our society. Hedy’s goal is to be a free and accessible source of info about this digital technology which is not only the most relevant, but in fact, it is already being part of our life.

The meeting was celebrated as expected at the UPC premises on November 30 and December 1, 2022. The meeting lasted 1 day and half (as initially planned). At least 2 persons per partners participated in the meeting.

All planned items were discussed successfully. The initial objectives were to have clear planning and scheduling for all pending tasks of the current active Results. All partners agree on this planning and committed to provide the contributions on time.

Having presential TPM is a great opportunity to meet all partners, to be more focused during all parts of the meeting, start discussion and share opinions as clear as possible without any disturbing events. This meeting achieved all these advantageous. Besides, the feeling between the partners is very unique, all of us are committed to have a successful project and willed to promote further collaborative initiatives

HEDY’s participation in the SEFI 2022 conference

The SEFI Annual Conference is a scientific conference focused on Engineering Education and the biggest event of this type in Europe. SEFI Annual Conferences are a unique opportunity for professors, students, industry and professional organisations to exchange their views and to meet their peers and create a European network of contacts.

HEDY participated in the SEFI 2022 conference and presented the following manuscript:

First result of the Erasmus+ HEDY project”

HEDY – Life in the AI era is a 2-year Erasmus+ project started in November 2021
targeting higher education audience. Its goal is to offer a comprehensive and shared
view of how Artificial Intelligence (AI) is affecting our lives and reshaping our
socioeconomic, cultural, and human environments and to define which topics related
to AI are of interest to different university studies and how they should be addressed.

Four specific free and accessible sources of information will be produced to reach
these goals, the first of which is the Booklet, the subject of this paper. The Booklet is
an essay defining the HEDY position on life in the AI era and its aim is to identify the
challenges, opportunities and expected impact of AI on four different areas: business,
governance, skills & competencies, and people & lifestyle. In this paper, we
summarise the content of the Booklet. In particular, we describe our methodology to
build our rationales based on collecting information from two sources: i) Literature
survey, and ii) Focus groups. These two sources provide a unique contribution on AI
panorama by combining state of the art research with first-hand opinions and debated
questions, concerns, and ideas of interacting individuals. The main finding is that there
is the necessity to train citizens in AI by providing teachings, courses and trainings in
schools and higher education institutes to facilitate the use and adoption of AI for
young people and future generations.

HEDY Booklet


The Booklet is an essay defining the HEDY position on Life in the AI era and the rationales for that position. In this work, we describe and present the results of our two-fold approach to building our rationals about the challenges, opportunities and expected impact of AI in four areas:

  • business,
  • governance,
  • skill & competencies, and
  • people & lifestyle.

The two-fold approach consists of collecting information from two sources:

  • Literature survey, and
  • Interaction with people.

The first source consists of collecting the current state of knowledge about the impact of AI.

The second source was a mixed approach of questionnaires and focus groups conducted in five European countries with AI experts or non-experts. These two sources uniquely contribute to AI panorama by combining state-of-the-art research with other social actors’ opinions and debated questions, concerns, and ideas. The main conclusion is that AI is a technology that, in its design and development, is so far removed from everyday life that experts believe that the population is not trained enough to decide how to use AI. Although, at the same time, it is considered necessary for citizens to make decisions and determine the course of AI. For this reason, we point out the necessity to train citizens in operation, potential and possible effects of AI. We need, therefore, to provide teachings, courses and training in schools and higher education institutes to facilitate the use and adoption of AI for young people and future generations.

“Human interaction is important while having AI. We should also preserve some freedom and decision-making process as humans”

a non-expert opinion from the survey

Download and read the full Booklet now in your own language.


Understanding Life in AI Era – Booklet Validation Workshop

May 16, 2022

The accelerated developments in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) are placing a long-lasting impact on the social lifestyle and well-being of our society. The main goal of this workshop is to launch the debate about Life in AI Era: challenges, benefits and risks, and to facilitate a networking space for stakeholders’ experience exchange and cooperation on AI issues.

This Multiplier Event is promoted by “HEDY – Life in the AI”, a 2-year Erasmus+ project that started in November 2021, aiming at offering a comprehensive and shared view of how AI is affecting our lives and reshaping our socioeconomic, cultural, and human environments by promoting critical reflection, self-based learning and discussion on these issues. HEDY is mainly, but not exclusively, targeting higher education audiences.

Four specific objectives will be produced to reach this goal, the first of which is the Booklet. The Booklet is an essay defining the HEDY position on life in the AI era and the rationale for that position. In this workshop, we present the results of our two-fold approach to building our rationale about the challenges, opportunities and expected impact of AI on four topics: business, governance, skill & competencies, and people & lifestyle.

The workshop was held in Catalan/Spanish.


09:30-09:45   Registration
09:50-10:00   Welcome
10:10-10:15   HEDY overview
10:15-10:45   Keynote speech

“The Old and the New in AI. An Interdisciplinary Approach to Technologies for the Common Good” 

 Dra. Núria Vallès-Peris

10:50-11:15   Coffee break + Networking
11:20-12:00   Booklet overview

12:10-13:00   Practice network & discussion

13:00-13:15   Event evaluation
13:20-13:30   Conclusions


Sala d’Actes del Vèrtex
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Plaça d’Eusebi Güell, 6, 08034 Barcelona
Coordinates: 41.39063, 2.11392