
A mesterséges intelligencia és a domotika társadalmi és technológiai kérdései a felsőoktatásban

Alverad-Bánki Nemzetközi Kiberbiztonsági Konferencia és HEDY konferencia: Fókuszban a Mesterséges Intelligencia és a Kiberbiztonság programja

Konferencia ideje: 2023. október 25.

Helye: Óbudai Egyetem Bánki Donát Gépész és Biztonságtechnikai Mérnöki Kar,
Budapest, Budapest, József krt. 6. 1081

9:00-9:30 Regisztráció

Megnyitó Konferencia terem (J200 terem)

9:30-10:00 Köszöntők

  • Prof. Dr. Goda Tibor, doktori iskola vezető, Óbudai Egyetem, Biztonságtudományi Doktori Iskola
  • Prof. Dr. Rajnai Zoltán, dékán, Óbudai Egyetem Bánki Donát Gépész és Biztonságtechnikai Mérnöki Kar
  • Hinkel Attila, Alverad Kft.

10:00-10:15 Dr. habil Szabó Gyula: A HEDY – Élet a mesterséges intelligencia korában Erasmus+ projekt

10:15-10:30 Hinkel Attila, Répás József: Szög miatt a patkó – avagy az ellátási lánc sebezhetőségei

10:30-10:45 Kávészünet

Párhuzamos programok

10:45 – 12:25 Kiberbiztonság – IoT és OT – levezető elnök Prof. Dr. Rajnai Zoltán (J200)

10:45 – 11:25 HEDY és a Mesterséges Intelligencia – szekcióvezető: Dr. Szabó Gyula (J116 terem)

  • Dr. Szabó Gyula: A HEDY projekt bemutatása (booklet, toolkit, kmooc, guidelines)
  • Dr. Beke Éva: A mesterséges intelligencia lehetőségei és kihívásai az Európai Unióban

11:25 – 12:25 Mesterséges Intelligencia biztonsági vetületei – szekcióvezető: Dr. Gyaraki Réka
(J116 terem)

  • Dr. Gyaraki Réka (NKE RTK): A mesterséges intelligencia kihívásai a nemzetvédelem és a rendvédelem számára
  • Karászi Zoltán (QTICS): A mesterséges intelligencia konformitási értékelésének aspektusai az EU AI-Act rendelettervezetének tükrében
  • Dr. Orbán József: A reziliens szervezet munkabiztonságának mesterséges intelligencia alapú fejlesztése

12:25-13:25 Ebédszünet (Büféebéd)

Párhuzamos programok

13:25 – 14:45 Kiberbiztonság – IoT és OT – levezető elnök Prof. Dr. Rajnai Zoltán (J200)

13:25 – 14:45 Mesterséges Intelligencia az infokommunikációban Szekcióvezető: Dr. Orbán József (J116 terem)

  • Bodzsár Krisztián (NMHH): A mesterséges intelligencia lehetőségei az infokommunikációs hatósági munkában
  • Pataki Péter (SZE): A mesterséges intelligencia lehetőségei a rádióspektrum monitorozásában
  • Takács Szilárd (SZE): Isolation Forest alapú anomália detekció a DVBT műsorszórásban
  • Makara Árpád László (BME VIK): Deep-Learning alapú csatornaállapot predikció műholdas kommunikáció támogatására

13:25 – 14:05 Mesterséges Intelligencia oktatása kerekasztal beszélgetés – moderátor: Baloghné Nagy Kinga (OE), felkért hozzászólók: Dr. Orbán Anna (NKE), Dr. habil. Lovas Róbert (OE) (J242 terem)

14:05 – 14:45 A HEDY KMOOC interaktív bemutatása – előadó és moderátor: Heitlerné Lehoczky Mária (OE) (J242 terem)

14:45- 15:00 Kávészünet

Párhuzamos programok

15:00 – 16:00 Kiberbiztonság – IoT és OT – levezető elnök Prof. Dr. Rajnai Zoltán (J200)

15:00 – 16:00 Mesterséges Intelligencia a munkabiztonságban – szekcióvezető: Prof. Dr. Izsó Lajos (J116 terem)

  • Prof. Dr. Izsó Lajos (BME): Az ATOM rendszer alkalmazása a munkabalesetek megelőzésére a munkaerő kiválasztása útján
  • Tarr Bence Gyula (MATE): Adatalapú Mesterséges Intelligencia megoldások problémái a mezőgazdaság területén
  • Szabó Lóránt (NJE): AI egészségügyi felhasználása a képi diagnosztikában

15:00 – 16:00 Mesterséges Intelligencia a munkabiztonságban kerekasztal beszélgetés – Moderátor: Hegedűs Miklós (ZSÓ-TÉR), felkért hozzászólók: Faragó Ferenc, Herényi Zoltán, Simon Mátyás (J242 terem)

16:00- 16:20 Konferencia zárása – Összegzés Prof. Dr. Rajnai Zoltán, Dr. Szabó Gyula, Hinkel Attila (J200)

A rendezvény idején a kivetítőn a HEDY – Élet a mesterséges intelligencia korában Erasmus+ projekt keretében készüt filmek láthatók.

A rendezvény előzetes regisztráció után díjmentesen látogatható
A mesterséges intelligencia és a domotika társadalmi és technológiai kérdései a felsőoktatásban

HEDY Conference focused on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and cyber security.

HEDY Conference: Human Factors in the Artificial Intelligence Era

Óbuda University, Budapest, Hungary – October 25, 2023

We are delighted to announce the upcoming HEDY Conference focused on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and cyber security. The conference program consists of three consecutive modules: the closing event of the HEDY project, the educational and research problems of today’s artificial intelligence, and the presentation of the actualities of cyber security.” HEDY Conference on October 25, 2023, at Óbuda University in Budapest.

Esteemed speakers and experts from various fields will gather to explore the critical intersection of human factors and artificial intelligence. The conference aims to foster insightful discussions and promote the exchange of ideas in this evolving landscape.

The conference will officially kick off on Wednesday morning with a welcome from Professor Rajnai Zoltán, Professor Kovács Levente, and Hungarian Artificial Intelligence Coalition representatives. Engaging presentations, including a project overview by Szabó Gyula, a discussion of the HEDY Booklet by Davide Careglio, insights into the HEDY Toolkit by Maria Helena Antunes, a presentation on the HEDY MOOC by Lehoczky Mária, and a comprehensive introduction to the HEDY Guide by Tihomir Dovramadjiev will follow them. Attendees will have the opportunity to take a short break before proceeding to the subsequent sessions.

A highlight of the conference will be the special sessions (I-V) taking place from 14:00 to 16:30. These sessions will delve into specific topics related to AI, exploring its impact on various sectors such as business, education, governance, healthcare, and lifestyle. Participants can choose to attend the session of their interest and gain valuable insights from domain experts.

Moreover, there will be parallel events held throughout the day, including the FEES seminar on “AI in Machinery” in English, an AI workshop by Csaba Kollár in Hungarian, a roundtable discussion on AI education in Óbuda University (in Hungarian), an Education Centre presentation by Óbuda University (in Hungarian), and an AI session in the field of Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) conducted in English.

The scientific committee, comprising experts from ACEEU, AidLearn, UPC, OU, TUV, FEES/CEEPUS, and various academic institutions, has played a crucial role in ensuring the high quality and relevance of the conference.

Selected papers from the conference will have publication opportunities in renowned journals such as IETI Transactions on Ergonomics and Safety and Safety Reports.

We welcome you to Óbuda University in Budapest for the HEDY Conference. Let’s come together to explore the multifaceted relationship between human factors and artificial intelligence in the era of innovation.

Please visit the official event registration website for more information and registration details.

HEDY Life in the AI Era Erasmus+ Project Holds Transnational Meeting in Varna, Bulgaria

The HEDY Life in the AI Era Erasmus+ project is set to host its highly anticipated transnational project meeting in Varna, Bulgaria, on June 19th and 20th, 2023. The event will take place at the prestigious Rosslyn Dimyat Hotel Varna, providing the participants with a convenient and comfortable setting. For those unable to attend in person, the meeting will also be accessible online.
The meeting will bring together representatives from various partner organizations involved in the HEDY project to explore the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in education and fostering AI literacy. The project has been made possible through the support of the Erasmus+ program, which promotes international collaboration and exchange in education.
A diverse range of topics will be covered during the first day of the meeting. The agenda includes a warm welcome and presentation by the Bulgarian Association for Ergonomics and Human Factors and the Óbuda University (OU), followed by a summary of the HEDY project’s results by OU. Additional highlights include discussions on the translation of the HEDY Booklet led by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · Barcelona (UPC), the HEDY Toolkit and its publication by AidLearn, and the validation and translation of the HEDY MOOC by OU.
The day will also feature a series of sessions on implementing the HEDY Guidelines, with BAEHF leading the introduction to the guidelines and ACEEU providing guidance on using the MOOC and Toolkit assets. UPC will explore the actual and future utilization of the MOOC and Toolkit, while OU will delve into creating a MOOC for the first time. BAEHF will also oversee the development of an implementing glossary with key terms on AI-related topics.
The meeting’s second day will continue the discussion on the guidelines, led by BAEHF and involving all partners. Project tasks and deadlines, as well as the overall work plan, will be addressed by OU and the partner organizations.
The budget summary and expectations will be presented by OU, ensuring transparency and effective financial management.
The meeting will conclude with a comprehensive review of decisions reached, assigned tasks and deadlines, and final remarks by OU and all partners.
In addition to the productive agenda, participants can network and socialize during the social dinner, fostering further collaboration and camaraderie among the project’s stakeholders.
The HEDY Life in the AI Era Erasmus+ project is dedicated to advancing AI literacy in education and preparing students and teachers for the challenges and opportunities of the AI era. Through international cooperation and knowledge exchange, the project aims to create valuable resources, including the HEDY Booklet, HEDY Toolkit, and HEDY MOOC, which will empower educators and learners to navigate the world of AI effectively.
Please visit the HEDY Life in the AI Era Erasmus+ project website for more information about the project and its progress.

Hedy Guidelines

Content offered in an easy friendly way, with examples calling for action and illustrated in a systematic way, whenever possible, with best practices and examples collected within the project’s ongoing development, such as multiplier events, debates held, reflections taken, suggestions collected, feedback got, etc.

A mesterséges intelligencia és a domotika társadalmi és technológiai kérdései a felsőoktatásban

A mesterséges intelligencia és a domotika társadalmi és technológiai kérdései a felsőoktatásban

Konferencia program

Időpont: 2023. május 19., péntek, 12:30-16:15, utána Domotika szak nyílt nap 16:30-18:00

helyszín: Óbudai Egyetem Bánki Donát Gépész és Biztonságtechnikai Mérnöki Kar, 1081 Budapest, Népszínház u. 8.
J 200-as díszterem

12:30-13:00 Regisztráció

13:00 Plenáris ülés (J200 terem)

Dr. habil Szabó Gyula egyetemi docens (ÓE BGK)
Társadalmi és technológiai trendek a mesterséges intelligencia korában
Dr. Kollár Csaba PhD tudományos főmunkatárs, műhelyvezető (ÓE BGK Mesterséges Intelligencia Műhely)
Az ipar 4.0 hatása a munkaerőpiacra
Beke Éva tanársegéd (ÓE BGK)
A szervezeti pszichológiai tőke vetületei a mesterséges intelligencia korában
Heitlerné Lehoczky Mária doktorandusz (ÓE Biztonságtudományi Doktori Iskola)
Az EU etikus mesterséges intelligenciára vonatkozó ajánlásai
Dr. Fogarasi Attila doktorandusz (ÓE Biztonságtudományi Doktori Iskola)
A HEDY projekt tananyagfejlesztési előzetes tapasztalatai
Dr. habil Szabó Gyula egyetemi docens (ÓE BGK)

14:30 Szünet

Párhuzamos szekciók

14:45 Felsőoktatás az MI korában: A Hedy MOOC szekció (J242 terem)

Kerekasztal beszélgetés hallgatókkal a mesterséges intelligencia tantárgy oktatásával kapcsolatban
moderátorok: Heitlerné Lehoczky Mária és Katona-Kis Viktória

14:45 Mesterséges intelligencia szekció (J200 terem A)

szekcióvezető: Dr. habil Szabó Gyula
A mesterséges intelligencia hatása a polgári és katonai biztonságra
Pál Anita doktorandusz (ÓE Biztonságtudományi Doktori Iskola)
Az ember–gép csoport alapú képességfejlesztés lehetőségei a mesterséges intelligencia fókuszában
Kiss Csaba doktorandusz (NKE Katonai Műszaki Doktori Iskola)
A mesterséges intelligencia oktatási lehetőségei a műszaki gyakorlatban
Tarr Bence tanársegéd, doktorandusz (MATE Műszaki Intézet)

14:45 Domotika szekció (J200 terem B)

szekcióvezető: Dr. Kollár Csaba PhD
Épületgépészeti megoldások domotika rendszerekben
Bazsó József szakmai igazgatóhelyettes (BGéSZC Arany János Technikum és Szakképző iskola)
Épületautomatizálás és épületfelügyelet a domotika területén
Rákóczi Barbara Mónika doktorandusz (ÓE KVK)
Biztonságtechnikai megoldások domotika rendszerekben
Dr. Szűcs Endre PhD témavezető, óraadó (ÓE BGK BDI)
A domotika rendszerek megvalósítása
Takács Miklós hallgató (ÓE BGK)
A domotika rendszerek társasházi környezetben
Nagy Martin product manager (Chameleon Smart Home Nyrt)
A domotika rendszerek jelene és jövője
Dr. Kollár Csaba PhD tudományos főmunkatárs, műhelyvezető (ÓE BGK Mesterséges Intelligencia Műhely)

16:15 Szünet

16:30 A domotika szakmérnök és domotika szaktanácsadó képzés nyílt napja
(J200 terem B)

18:00 Zárás

A részvétel a rendezvényen ingyenes.

Online regisztráció:

Töltse le a mesterséges intelligencia társadalmi hatását bemutató tájékoztató füzetet itt.


Regisztráljon a mesterséges intelligencia társadalmi hatását bemutató online kurzusunkra (angol nyelven) itt.

Barcelona, Spain – Transnational meeting

Artificial intelligence (AI) in recent days has continuous development and applications in all fields, the AI helps human beings to find the application to make easier life and place a long-lasting impact on the social lifestyle and well-being of our society. Hedy’s goal is to be a free and accessible source of info about this digital technology which is not only the most relevant, but in fact, it is already being part of our life.

The meeting was celebrated as expected at the UPC premises on November 30 and December 1, 2022. The meeting lasted 1 day and half (as initially planned). At least 2 persons per partners participated in the meeting.

All planned items were discussed successfully. The initial objectives were to have clear planning and scheduling for all pending tasks of the current active Results. All partners agree on this planning and committed to provide the contributions on time.

Having presential TPM is a great opportunity to meet all partners, to be more focused during all parts of the meeting, start discussion and share opinions as clear as possible without any disturbing events. This meeting achieved all these advantageous. Besides, the feeling between the partners is very unique, all of us are committed to have a successful project and willed to promote further collaborative initiatives

Safety and Security Science Review HEDY –Life in the AI age special issue.

HEDY project organized the Safety and Security Science Review HEDY –Life in the AI age special issue. Studies in this volume present our snapshots on artificial intelligence in the spring of 2022 from the perspective of the literature, experts and university students. In the course of the project, we are preparing a booklet, an AI film library and e-learning material, which will be available in the Óbuda University open learning system in English, Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese, German, Bulgarian and Hungarian.

Artificial intelligence is undeniably present in our lives. We openly use artificial intelligence, e.g. in self-driving vehicles, for translation of foreign language texts, language correctness checks or pattern-based searches. Still, occasionally we use artificial intelligence covertly, e.g. chatbots, automated customer services, lie screening, generating fake news or customizing ads.

HEDY’s participation in the SEFI 2022 conference

The SEFI Annual Conference is a scientific conference focused on Engineering Education and the biggest event of this type in Europe. SEFI Annual Conferences are a unique opportunity for professors, students, industry and professional organisations to exchange their views and to meet their peers and create a European network of contacts.

HEDY participated in the SEFI 2022 conference and presented the following manuscript:

First result of the Erasmus+ HEDY project”

HEDY – Life in the AI era is a 2-year Erasmus+ project started in November 2021
targeting higher education audience. Its goal is to offer a comprehensive and shared
view of how Artificial Intelligence (AI) is affecting our lives and reshaping our
socioeconomic, cultural, and human environments and to define which topics related
to AI are of interest to different university studies and how they should be addressed.

Four specific free and accessible sources of information will be produced to reach
these goals, the first of which is the Booklet, the subject of this paper. The Booklet is
an essay defining the HEDY position on life in the AI era and its aim is to identify the
challenges, opportunities and expected impact of AI on four different areas: business,
governance, skills & competencies, and people & lifestyle. In this paper, we
summarise the content of the Booklet. In particular, we describe our methodology to
build our rationales based on collecting information from two sources: i) Literature
survey, and ii) Focus groups. These two sources provide a unique contribution on AI
panorama by combining state of the art research with first-hand opinions and debated
questions, concerns, and ideas of interacting individuals. The main finding is that there
is the necessity to train citizens in AI by providing teachings, courses and trainings in
schools and higher education institutes to facilitate the use and adoption of AI for
young people and future generations.



Life in the AI Era project offers this course freely online, providing a platform for interactive forums, and learners may self-organize their participation and learning pace


  • The Age of Data and the Impact of Cyber-Physical Systems Appearances in the 4th
    Industrial Revolution, Industry 4.0
  • Impact on business: effects on customer expectations, product enhancement, collaborative
    innovation, and organizational forms. Global platforms and new business models
  • Implications for governance: effects on further public policy objectives and assist the public in interacting with the government by intelligent interfaces. Benefits and socioeconomic risks
  • Impact on skills & competencies: effects on shifting education systems’ priorities, when 50% of jobs could be lost, and 2/3 could have 30% of their activities automated by 2030
  • Impact on people & lifestyle: effects requiring AI

We start the pilot course in English on 13th March 2023.

Please enrol the course here:

Register here

Life in the AI Era project brings you a new learning option to enrich your competencies

Artificial intelligence has emerged in almost every area of life in the last decade due to the total amount of data, the development of computing capabilities, algorithms, and the increasingly seamless interconnection of different techniques. These fundamentally change the future of the world of work.
Workers need to know about the relationship and collaboration between humans and AI.

This new MOOC promotes extensive knowledge, critical reflection and debate on AI and its key impacts on society, addressing the lecturers, higher education students, Continuing Professional Development (CPD) students and other interested stakeholders, thus broadening the understanding of the main developments and the future of AI.

Download the HEDY MOOC guide:

Download and read The MOOC Guide in English 

Download and read The MOOC Guide in Hungarian

Download and read The MOOC Guide in Bulgarian


Download and read The MOOC Guide in Portuguese

Download and read The MOOC Guide in German

Download and read The MOOC Guide in Spanish

Download and read The MOOC Guide in Catalan