Artificial intelligence (AI) in recent days has continuous development and applications in all fields, the AI helps human beings to find the application to make easier life and place a long-lasting impact on the social lifestyle and well-being of our society. Hedy’s goal is to be a free and accessible source of info about this digital technology which is not only the most relevant, but in fact, it is already being part of our life.
The meeting was celebrated as expected at the UPC premises on November 30 and December 1, 2022. The meeting lasted 1 day and half (as initially planned). At least 2 persons per partners participated in the meeting.
All planned items were discussed successfully. The initial objectives were to have clear planning and scheduling for all pending tasks of the current active Results. All partners agree on this planning and committed to provide the contributions on time.
Having presential TPM is a great opportunity to meet all partners, to be more focused during all parts of the meeting, start discussion and share opinions as clear as possible without any disturbing events. This meeting achieved all these advantageous. Besides, the feeling between the partners is very unique, all of us are committed to have a successful project and willed to promote further collaborative initiatives