HEDY Booklet


The Booklet is an essay defining the HEDY position on Life in the AI era and the rationales for that position. In this work, we describe and present the results of our two-fold approach to building our rationals about the challenges, opportunities and expected impact of AI in four areas:

  • business,
  • governance,
  • skill & competencies, and
  • people & lifestyle.

The two-fold approach consists of collecting information from two sources:

  • Literature survey, and
  • Interaction with people.

The first source consists of collecting the current state of knowledge about the impact of AI.

The second source was a mixed approach of questionnaires and focus groups conducted in five European countries with AI experts or non-experts. These two sources uniquely contribute to AI panorama by combining state-of-the-art research with other social actors’ opinions and debated questions, concerns, and ideas. The main conclusion is that AI is a technology that, in its design and development, is so far removed from everyday life that experts believe that the population is not trained enough to decide how to use AI. Although, at the same time, it is considered necessary for citizens to make decisions and determine the course of AI. For this reason, we point out the necessity to train citizens in operation, potential and possible effects of AI. We need, therefore, to provide teachings, courses and training in schools and higher education institutes to facilitate the use and adoption of AI for young people and future generations.

“Human interaction is important while having AI. We should also preserve some freedom and decision-making process as humans”

a non-expert opinion from the survey

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